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Nasimova Z.H., Tashpulatov Y.Sh., Mukumov I.U.




like other tulip families, the lily bulb serves as an organ for vegetative propagation and storage of nutrients. Lilies are propagated by seeds, bulbs, bulb leaves, and stems. Delicate fragrant lilies stand out with their brightness inside indoor flowers. In the conditions of the Samarkand region, breeding and growing lilies of East Asia gives good results   

Ключевые слова:
lily, hybrid, variety, bulb, bulb leaves, greenhouse   


Nasimova Z.H.

PhD student,

Samarkand State University

(Samarkand, Uzbekistan)


Tashpulatov Y.Sh.

PhD, docent, Samarkand branch of

Tashkent State Agrarian University

(Samarkand, Uzbekistan)


Mukumov I.U.


Samarkand State University

(Samarkand, Uzbekistan)





Abstract. like other tulip families, the lily bulb serves as an organ for vegetative propagation and storage of nutrients. Lilies are propagated by seeds, bulbs, bulb leaves, and stems. Delicate fragrant lilies stand out with their brightness inside indoor flowers. In the conditions of the Samarkand region, breeding and growing lilies of East Asia gives good results.


Keywords: lily, hybrid, variety, bulb, bulb leaves, greenhouse.


Introduction. As an ornamental plant, lilies are grown, propagated and cultivated in Europe, Asia and America since ancient times. More than 100 species grow in these regions. To date, the number of varieties obtained from these surpasses 2000 in count. Depending on the origin and bio-ecological characteristics, these varieties are divided into groups: Asian hybrids, martagon hybrids, candidum hybrids, American hybrids, long-flowered hybrids, tubular hybrids, royal hybrids, and oriental hybrids. Lily is one of the most popular plants amongst researchers, scientists and flower lovers. Therefore, numerous methods for propagating them have been developed.

Object and methods of research. The experiments are taking place in the greenhouse and the open experimental fields of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University.

Replication methods for varieties like Regale, Maksimovich, Parreya, Tiger, Bubonosny, Sortenta and Sernosvetny are being tested in the experiments. It is recommended that lilies be planted into pots in the early spring in the experimental conditions as they usually bear blossom in the garden between June and August. For a single bulb, a pot with 20cm in depth is considered to be convenient. Too large pots will make lilies flowerless. When planting lilies, light fertile soil blended with river sand is used to create a convenient medium for lilies. The time-line and methods of planting lilies are determined based on the climatic conditions land and the variety of the lily flower.

Although it is not chilly in winter in Samarkand region, the summer is relatively hot. Therefore, it is possible to get robust seedlings through planting seeds in the inside the greenhouse or outside in the open field in the autumn.

In order to plant lily seeds, soil should be enriched using rotted manure along with black sand. First, seeds should be moisturised and then planted after that a 1cm layer of rotten manure should be placed on top of it. It is advised not to plant it in the first year.

In case lily seeds are planted densely in the greenhouse, they should be transferred after they start to sprout to special 10-15 cm deep containers into which 3-4 cm thick rich manure from greenhouse has been placed. Afterwards, a layer of 2 cm fertile soil should be placed on top. In addition, seedling singling is done between 1,5-2cm in the soil blended with black sand and stored in cool. In early spring, young bulbs are planted directly into the ground. It is necessary to keep the soil as moist as possible. Depending on the heat from the sun, it needs to be shaded a little. When planting, rows for lilies should also be made in such a way that allows young bulbs to develop quickly and grow rapidly since light is very important. Therefore, it is not recommended to transfer them to shade. In order for the seeds to germinate well, it is necessary to have the presence of abiotic factors like temperature, humidity, air and light. For seed germination, it is necessary to keep them at a temperature of 20°C. If it is planted when temperature reaches 30°C, it will be difficult for the seeds to germinate. It is advisable to first keep the seeds in the cold for a while, and then plant them in cool places [1].

Obtained results and their discussion. Experiments have shown that germination time becomes shorter for the varieties of Regale and Maksimovich if seeds are sown in November, and kept at cool and cold temperatures. After this procedure, if they are kept at 15-20°C, shorter time to germinate has been recorded, i.e. in comparison with those not kept at a cold temperature but inoculated directly in the greenhouses, it took 5 and 7 days comparatively earlier time lapse to germinate for Maksimovich and Regale respectively. As a result, it was found out that germination period for frozen seeds of Regale variety is 75-95% while 70-95% recorded in the case of Maksimovich variety. Overall, it was identified that germination period for frozen seeds is quite shorter compared to those not exposed to cold temperature, with a later reinforcing proof showing less germination rate for seeds not frozen beforehand. Increasing the temperature to +20°C is only required for germination.

Seedlings should be kept at 1-10°C between 1.5-3 months in order to sprout their first true leaves while 100% germination was recorded when Philippine lilies were kept at 8-10°C. However, in case of not frozen seeds, seeds germination was low in the first year with little buds and flowers on them.

Like most closed flowers, lilies possess an ability like to keep the leaves moist. Watering rate should be moderate because rotting may occur in excessive humid conditions. Frequent watering is needed for local lilies during the flowering period while this should be done less when they are dormant. With a good caring practice applied, lilies become less prone to disease and pests. Due to insufficient watering and mud, lily leaves acquires different colours, and flowers becomes black due to cold and pale because of excessive sunlight [2].

Propagation method using bulb scales. Initially, bigger bulbs are sorted out from fertile soil, which have been proved to be productive for the past 2-3 years. Then, inner part including the inner and middle scales together with the central bud of the bulb undergo separation from the rest. Remaining outer scales along with basal plate, roots and tunic are planted intact back to the soil.


Figure 1. Bulb propagation method.


Before plantation, the remaining part is placed into specially prepared pots. Pot depth is 15 cm, coarse sand and crushed stone are placed on the bottom. On its upper side, a rotten manure from a greenhouse is placed in 2-3 cm thickness, and pure black sand 2-3 cm thick is laid on top of the rotten manure, and bulb scales with an interval of 1 cm, 2-3 cm between the rows are planted on this sand. Frequent watering is required, and the top is covered using a glass pane. Periodically, glass pane is removed and some watering applied. It does not take much time for each scales of the bulb to give a birth to 2-3 small bulbils. In order to facilitate the growth of bulbils, bulbs are removed. The remaining healthy bulbs are sorted out and planted into another pot; thus the procedure is repeated and the top is covered using a glass pane again. These bulb scales may have potential to give birth to small bulbils again.

Propagation method through division. Propagation of all lilies is basically similar to bulbs, i.e. new bulbils naturally emerge from bulbs. In this way, several young fertile flowering bulbils emerge from the mother bulb. For example, in case of white lilies this may take a long time, while in most other varieties propagation and division happens very quickly. Development and multiplication of Parreya variety are comparatively quick. When digging bulbs in the autumn, it is necessary to sprinkle coal powder onto the cuts after division in order to prevent rotting [3].

Propagation method of lilies using surface bulbil formation. Most lilies may have small, pea-sized bulbils formed around the neck. Such bulbils may be 1-2 even 3 sometimes under each leaf. Such small bulbils are more common in the varieties like Tigrovy, Bubonosny, Sortenta, Sernosvetny.


Figure 2. Determining the depth of planting bulbs.


If the Tiger variety grows and blossoms in the shade, then bulbil colour will be reddish, green and the bulbs will be quite larger. The bulbils of this variety grown in open, sunny fields are dark and small. Surprisingly, at the beginning of summer these bulbils firmly attaches to the stem. In July and August, it gradually begins to seperate. Given these separated bulbils are covered with a thin layer of soil and periodically watered and weeded following sprouting process, they can turn into a large bulbs by autumn.

In autumn, if bulbils are collected carefully and planted separately in rows, then the next year they will begin to bloom all at once. However, it is better to collect the bulbils separately from each variety before natural separation takes place. Because having blossomed, small bulbils are ready to ripen after 2-3 weeks. Then, they can be immediately picked up and planted in open field or in pots. They can be planted 5-6 cm deep and covered with manure or barley husks or leaves. Thus, with the help of this technique lilies can be propagated.

Propagation method using bulbils. When digging lilies, small bulbils can be visible underneath the bulbs around the roots. Apart from this, numerous surface small bulbils can also be found on the surface around the stem tunic amongst surface roots. If these bulbils are collected in advance and planted separately, then this year they will turn into large bulbs, and next year these bulbs will begin to blossom.

In case these bulbs are subject to propagation, the bulbil count will be greater following 8-12cm deep soil cultivation before blossoming takes place. Especially the following varieties generate far more bulbils.

Varieties such as Golden, Brouna, Genre, Tiger long-flowered, blossom profusely and generate more bulbils. Small bulbils obtained from them should be planted in rows at a depth of 5-6cm in open field in autumn by covering with rotten manure or leaves (to preserve the cold). The next year, all those little bulbs will start blooming and producing more bulbils again. Lily propagation can also be achieved using this method [4].

Bulb propagation method using leaves. Lily propagation using bulb leaves gives very good results in varieties such as Tiger, White Lily, Thunberg, Maksimovich, and Regale. Lily leaves are cut out from their bulbs and planted into special pots. 5-6 cm fertile soil is placed into the bottom of these pots. 3-4cm black sand is placed on top and leaves are planted on this sand. The top is sealed with a glass pane and the pot should always be wet. Underneath of each leaves at the bottom side of leaves 1-2 small bulbils form. When these bulbils have 2-3 leaves, they are separated and planted separately.

Propagation method using stems. Following the growth, development and blossom of the lilies, upper stems are carefully bend and planted in to the soil. Many small bulbils will form from each node and leaf. These bulbils are dug up in late autumn and planted in a row, or in this case, before digging, the upper part is cut off and covered with rotten manure and leaves, then the next year the bulbs can be dug up after they grow. It should also be mentioned that small bulbils taken from leaves and bulb scales begin to bloom in 2-3 years. Large bulbs may bloom in the coming years, so it is advised to dig the bulbils earlier as possible and plant them separately for 1-2 years. Lily propagation can be achieved using such methods [5].




  1. Баранова М.В. Лилии. Л; Изд –Агропромиздат, 1996. C. 92.
  2. Ne’matov, E. Ashurov, I.Muqumov. “Ochiq maydondagi gulchilik”. Samarqand, 1997 yil, 221 b.
  3. Грот В.А. Лилии и их культура. -М.; Изд-во МГУ, 1966. -С 90.
  4. Заливский И. Л. О культуре и размножении в климатических условиях Ленинградской области Lilium candidum, L. regale и L. philippinense Сов.ботаника -1937. №3. – С. 69-79 .
  5. Матвеева Т.С. Полиплоидные декоративные растения –Л: Наука 1980-283 с.

Полная версия статьи PDF

Студенческая наука в 2023 году. Самара, Россия.   

Ссылка для цитирования:

Nasimova Z.H., Tashpulatov Y.Sh., Mukumov I.U. METHODS FOR INITIAL PROPAGATION OF SPECIES AND VARIETIES OF ORNAMENTAL LILY (LILIUM L.) // Научная конференция ''Студенческая наука в 2023 году'' (Самара, Россия). С. 7 - 13. 2023 г. // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7422 (дата обращения: 20.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: https://www.vestnik-nauki.com/article/7422

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